An early Christmas Letter to HR brands on how to strengthen media relationships - freelance journalist Daniel Cave shares his insight

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Recorded On: Wednesday 6th September 2023 @ 11.00 BST


HR brands and HR marketers - this webinar covers why and how supporting freelance journalists is instrumental in gaining a bigger share of voice in the HR sector.

Daniel Cave is a multiple-award-winning editor, journalist and content strategist. We have a long-standing work relationship with Dan so it’s great to have a proper sit-down and tap into his wealth of knowledge on how HR brands can refine their strategies.

During our chat, Dan came up with something akin to a Christmas Letter to help HR brands improve their ways of working with journalists.

In this webinar…

  • We delved into the difference between working in-house and as a freelance journalist.

  • What grabs his attention in pitches.

  • We also talked about strategies for amplifying expert’s voices within the HR media landscape.

  • And we uncovered Dan's essential PR dos and don'ts.

This webinar will lasted c30 minutes.


You might also be interested in this: The HR media landscape is ever-changing, making it difficult for HR brands to keep up. We’ve analysed over 1500 articles in 9 key HR publications over three months to show the workplace issues that journalists are talking about and have compiled everything into a report.


Guest Presenter

Daniel Cave is a multiple-award-winning editor, journalist and content strategist who has spent several years working as both an in-house and freelance journalist. At the start of 2022, he switched back to freelance journalism, leaving his previous role as the head of content at Executive Grapevine Digital Media, where he led the content strategy for various digital publishing products.

Over his career, he has written for local news, national outlets, B2B and culture outlets, covering topics such as homelessness, local history, local news, councils, HR, leadership, music, culture and business journalism, drawing on his (National Council for the Training of Journalists) NCTJ qualification.


Our Presenter

Kay Phelps, Founder & Director, PR in HR - 25 years in the PR/HR niche and an expert in getting brands in front of HR decision-makers.

Kay Phelps